Daily Archives: December 19, 2013

Patch and Provision with EM12c: Index

Over the last few months, I’ve written a few posts on Provisioning Databases in EM12c. After writing them out, I’ve realized that they’re note organized in the best manner. With that in mind, I’ve created a list (see below) which I hope to keep updated, and you will find as a helpful resource. 1. Patch […]


Things I see and learn!

Thoughts from James H. Lui

If you Care a Little More, Things Happen. Bees can be dangerous. Always wear protective clothing when approaching or dealing with bees. Do not approach or handle bees without proper instruction and training.

bdt's blog

Sharing stuff (by Bertrand Drouvot)

Frits Hoogland Weblog

IT Technology; Yugabyte, Postgres, Oracle, linux, TCP/IP and other stuff I find interesting

Vishal desai's Oracle Blog

Just another WordPress.com weblog