Tag Archives: Cloud Control

#em12c Metrics – Part 3: Breakdown of Metrics using Repository Views

With my previous post on the “All Metrics” page breakdown in Enterprise Manager I talked about the collected, aggregated, and available information on metrics for a given Target type. As we’ve seen, the Metrics Categories are numerous and really depend on the monitored targets. Well, what does that mean? And, how does one find out […]

#em12c Metrics – Part 2: Breakdown of the “All Metrics” GUI Interface

In my previous post on #em12c Metrics: An Introduction, I wrote briefly on the basics of Enterprise Managers collected metrics, their various location(s) within the Oracle Manager Repository and shared a few queries on how to retrieve and view the data. Today, I’d like to resume the series and explain how the Metrics are accessible […]


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Thoughts from James H. Lui

If you Care a Little More, Things Happen. Bees can be dangerous. Always wear protective clothing when approaching or dealing with bees. Do not approach or handle bees without proper instruction and training.

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